101 ways to support your child’s development

We all want our children to do well – at school and in life, and it is part of the unwritten job description to help them grow and reach their full potential. As a busy, working parent, it’s easy to fall into a guilt trap of worrying that you aren’t doing the right things or don’t have enough time to support your child’s development. But what really matters when it comes to parenting and child development?

In this coaching session, parenting expert Anita will help busy parents understand how children learn and develop and what they really need from us. Parents will explore the key must-do priorities for time-poor parents and simple practical ways to support children’s development.


What will be covered

  • What drives children’s development? How do they learn?
  • What are the key developmental areas at different stages?
  • What activities can be offered at home?
  • What resources and materials can be used for activities to support the key developmental areas?


Who it is for

  • Mums, dads or parents with pre-schoolers (before 4 years old)


How long does the session last

  • This session lasts about 90 mins


Where the coaching will be provided

  • Online via Zoom


Course language

  • English


Registration process

  • Choose a course start date and proceed to make payment
  • An email will be sent to you once your place is confirmed
  • A detailed course program will be sent to you
  • Before you start the coaching, we will ask you to fill out a form for our coach to learn more about you and your objectives


Course fee

  • £100



  • Anita Cleare : Studying developmental psychology (child development) to postgraduate level was the start of Anita’s fascination with parenting strategies, and it has been a driving force behind her career. As a leading parenting expert and accredited Triple P® parenting coach, she has gained valuable insights which allow her to guide parents toward realistic solutions that balance the needs of both parent and child.Every child deserves a happy and healthy connection with their parent, and through seminars, webinars, and one-to-one support, Anita’s goal has always been to give them exactly that.Anita is an internationally acclaimed author (of ‘The Work/Parent Switch’ and ‘The Working Parent’s Survival Guide’). She is proud mother of two teenage children and two grown-up stepchildren and has herself been a solo mum. You can find her on Twitter @thinking_parent or on Instagram (@anitacleare_parenting) (Learn more about Anita).



If you have any questions regarding the coaching, payment or booking, please contact us at support@littlebeanjourney.com.