Wills 101 – Why Every Parent Should Have a Will

A Will is the only way to ensure that your children are cared for in the way you would wish if you were to pass away. It is always worth having a Will as a parent, even if you have nothing to leave. Making a will can be daunting and there are a lot of considerations. In this session, Katherine Ingram, a specialist private client solicitor, answers all the key questions you should know about writing a Will.




Katherine Ingram (learn more about Katherine https://www.ingramlegal.co.uk/about)

  • A solicitor providing expert advice in areas including Wills; obtaining Lasting Powers of Attorney; and the creation and administration of Trusts
  • 10+ years of experience in supporting and advising individuals and families.

What will be covered

  • Why does every parent need a Will?
  • What happens to your family without a Will?
  • What do I need to consider before writing a Will?
  • What is a guardian, a trustee and an executor?
  • Can I appoint a guardian, trustee or executor who doesn’t reside in the UK?
  • Do I need to set up a trust?
  • For single parents or solo mums by choice, what does it mean if I marry or enter into a civil partnership?
  • What are the considerations for writing a Will in a second marriage?
  • Tax considerations when making a Will
  • If I want to write a Will, what are my options? What are the costs?

Who it is for

  • Parents, parents to be or anyone who is on their family-building journey

Where the session will be provided

  • Online via Zoom

Length of session

  • 60 mins + 30 mins live Q&A


  • 8 pm, Thursday 23 June 2022 GMT


If you have any questions regarding this session, payment or booking, please contact us at support@littlebeanjourney.com.